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How To Secure Press If You’ve Never Worked With The Media

Bradley Public Relations & Marketing

Media coverage is an amazing way to drive attention to your business, website and social media territory. Securing the right publications and blogs to provide coverage can attract and earn new customers and clients, putting the business in the public eye, and standing out longterm in your industry. If you've never worked with the media before, it can definitely be tricky and takes a little finesse and genuine intent. Check out these five suggestions on how to jumpstart your success by landing those much desired media writeups.

1. Make sure your announcement is newsworthy.

Any new developments with your business may be important to you, but that isn't always the case in the eyes of the media. News publications are responsible for providing relevant and meaningful information to their readers and are bombarded with requests daily. If you have little to no experience with working with journalists, you'll need to convince people that your news is worth covering. Most noteworthy announcements are updates like product launches, milestones, large events, and significant changes to your company, like acquisitions and expansions.

2. Reach out to applicable publications.

If you own a restaurant, it obviously wouldn't make sense to ask a fashion magazine to cover your new menu addition. Get in touch with journalists and reporters who are in relevant fields of interest. They will be more willing to write about your business if the topic already aligns with the usual assignments they cover. Also, make the pitch personal and don’t come off like a robot!

3. Create a kick-ass press release.

Despite press releases having more or less the same format, it's crucial to make them effective and eye-catching. These documents are what you'll use to grab the attention of journalists who are looking for great stories. We went more into detail about this in our article, "6 Tricks for Creating An Amazing Press Release". This will help your pitch stand out from the hundreds that writers go through on a daily basis.

4. Use the power of social media.

We see so much viral content every day, and sometimes it's only through the power of social media. If you look at the replies in a viral tweet, you'll see reporters flock to them asking for permission to feature. Utilize your social media wisely — while "going viral" might not be your ultimate goal, it's still good to use these platforms to get the word out.

5. Keep the ball rolling!

So you've landed your first feature, great! Keep it going by reaching out to more publications to further your chances of getting more coverage. Tweak your press releases every now and then by adding new relevant information to give media outlets a different angle. You can even offer exclusive content to supercharge your press release and coverage potential. There's no limit to what you can do to attract more press, and maintaining your trajectory can guarantee the success of your business.



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